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Battles 6-10, Adoption of the First Story Line ^_^ |
Battle 6, PBS Worker's Revenge. October 24, 2000 Player: PBS Worker [0-1-0] WEIRD MUSIC plays! PBS WORKER appereared! Yes, Yes, thank you, thank you, welcome to the Open the Rift foundation! NARRATOR gasps! AUDIENCE gasps! Hey..what's with the vacuum? WHY would anyone open the RIFT? Because it holds the poor, innocent Doompuffs from Aqua and Red versions. Poor?!? Innocent?!? WHAT are YOU smoking?! Ahem...the drugs I am on are none of your buisness.. HAH! NARRATOR knew that PBS WORKER was either on MEDICATION or INSANE..or on DRUGS! That's a rather ...not good topic. Let's not touch upon that. NARRATOR notices WHITE POWDER flowing from PBS WORKER's POCKET! Hmm...I'll give you money if you say nothing. Ooooh...Shiny, shiny, 10 Dollar Biiilll...... Bwhahaha... WHAT drugs? Good boy...Now, We need to reach a goal of 1000,000 to bribe the webmaster into opening the rift. HAH! NO ONE is going to pay ANYTHING for THAT cause! PHONE begins to...ring?!? AACK!! I knew it! PBS WORKER picks up the PHONE! HOMER SIMPSON's VOICE appeared...from the RECIEVER! Er...hello? HOMER: Yes, I'd like to donate one million dollars to the Open the Rift foundation. Heh heh..I knew it. Bwhahaha... NARRATOR hears SNICKERING of a young BOY from the RECIEVER! HOMER hangs up! AUDIENCE watches the GOAL CHART THINGY go UP! Whoo hoo! My job is saved! Now..I might as well let you see ONE of our acts, even though we reached our goal. I present to you...*N'SYNC! AUDIENCE faints in DIGUST! *N'SYNC: It's gonna be...*SPLAT* NARRATOR killed *N'SYNC! One Week Later... $1,000,000 CHECK arrives in the MAIL! Now, the Doompuffs will destroy the world, and I will finally get my revenge on that EEVAHL Bob.. ALMIGHTY WEBMASTER appeared! JASON: You wanted to speak to me? Yes sir, I have here for you a check for $1,000,000, and I want you to open the void between Earth and Red Version. ALMIGHTY WEBMASTER takes CHECK!!!!! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO US, ALMIGHTY ONE! JASON: Okay...first, I only accept ÃâšÃâšÃ‚Â¥. Second... ALMIGHTY WEBMASTER eats CHECK! JASON: This tastes suprisingly like...Pizza Dough. Now, get out of my sight. PBS WORKER fainted! ALMIGHTY WEBMASTER wins! Battle 7, Wakuseino's Plan. November 1, 2000 Player: Wakuseino [No record in Wind Version] Mwahaha...what a simple plan...and it WORKED! WAK is laughing EVILY! Er..another incompetant narrator...he'd never understand my plan...but I HAVE TO BRAG! HEY! I could understand... Right, sure. I'M not KIDDING! Oh, fine. I made a battle on Battle Day, when all living webmasters do nothing but snatch up the battles that fall before them. This Wind person claimed it, and thus, I am here. Er...Um...NARRATOR...thinks he UNDERSTANDS! Just as I thought. Too smart for you, I am... WAK talks like YODA! And I should care? WHAT does WAK plan to DO now that he is in a VERSION?! Hm...I dunno, wreak havoc? Bwhahahah! SELF-INSERTION of the WEBMASTER appeared! Who? SKYLER! SKYLER wants to FIGHT! Why? He shouldn't care. If I destroy the version, he's set free, right? SKYLER is the WEBMASTER! HE doesn't want his VERSION destroyed! Fine, I'll just mutilate it. NO! How're you going to stop me? SKYLER notes that every QUESTION can stand as CONFUSION! Er...Uh...Oh... WAK used INFAMOUUHHOOFDOOM! LONGNAMEDATTACK failed! Urrh... WAK is CONF- NO! I SHALL NOT BE CONFUSED! NARRATIVE THEORY! SKYLER: Eh, you're making a fool of yourself. Since the webmaster is me, there are 2. And since the narrator was created BY the webmaster, then that's 3 times the willpower. Care to try your narrative thingy? EEVHAL! MATT appeared! MATT fwapped WAK! MATT: EEVHAL IS MY WORD. NO TOUCH EEVHAL. MATT disappeared! Yeah, well wish the queen mum a happy 666th birthday. SKYLER notes that BILL CLINTON isn't any BETTER! You've got a point, but he's getting kicked out in January. BUSH AND GORE appeared! PEROT feels LEFT OUT!'d you get here? YOU know PEROT! HE shows up EVERY NOVEMBER, whether people VOTE FOR HIM or NOT! Eh, y've got a point. BUSH used VOTEFORME! It's super effective! WEBMASTER's PARENTS are REPUBLICAN! Heh...DIE, GORE! GORE died a very GORY death! ... ... ...? No, not funny. Damn. PEROT took GORE's place! NOT enought people CARE about the VOTE! NO ONE was voted in! CLINTON remains PRESIDENT! O_O SKYLER: O_O NOOO!!!! SKYLER and WAK faint of FRIGHT! CLINTON wins! Battle 8: More Election Crap November 27, 2000 Player: George W. Bush [No record] GEORGEWBUSH appeared! Ah'm from Texas. Ah've got a gun. Show yourself! DEB is also from TEXAS! DEB lacks GUN! GWB is SHOCKED! Oh Mah God..a Texan without a gun..Ah've gotta get EVREH Texan a gun. GWB is rambling about his STATE's gun SAFTEY laws! ...or LACK THEREOF! Ahr state has great gun saftey laws! WHY should YOU care any more? GWB is now PRESIDENT ELECT OF THE US! GORE appeared! GORE: MORE RECOUNTS! GOTTA WIN ELECTION! Tough crap, Tennessee thingy. NARRATOR wonderes why GWB sounds like LAVNEDERWEBMASTER! W...w...webmaster? GORE: I INVENTED THE INTERNET AND WEBMASTERS! JASONR appeared! JASON: If I were in anyway connected to HIM, I'd commit suicide o_O JASON left! I completely agree... GORE thinks that JEBBUSH delivered the ELECTION to his BROTHER! No one cares! ...You DO know you don't exist, right? "I think, therefore, I am"? You lack a brain, thus, you are non-existant. GO 'WAY! NARRATOR wonderes what happened to the TEXAN accent! Does it really matter? At least I don't have that annoying Italian one. LUIGI appeareda! LUIGI: HeyA...Leava meea alonea...Ooh...that's one spicy meetaballa.. Er...that was disturbing.. CAST of appeared! WEIRDTHEMEMUSIC began playing! CASTOFER leaves! NARRATOR decides to rename this the GUEST STAR battle... Hn, no !... I try. Now, just to sit back and wait for January 20th, when I'm sworn in.. TWO MONTHS pass! DURING the TWOMONTHS...GORE CHALLENGED SECRATARY of STATE's decision and LOSES! GORE whined to SUPREME COURT and LOST! GORE tripped and broke his BACK while trying to play FOOTBALL! GORE: Foozball is the DEVIL! RECAP is OVER! be sworn in.. GORE used ASSASSIN! ASSASSIN used ASSASSINATE! SECRET SERVICE appeared! SECRET SERVICE used JUMP AND YELL NO! It's super effective! SS took the bullet! SS died! GWB wins! Battle 9: Quarterback Contraversy December 3, 2000 Player: Rob Johnson, Buffalo Bills Quarterback [No record] GAME began! Okay, troops, let's take the ball, and bang it through that defense. We've got to score a lot of points! ROB used PEPTALK! BILLS used HOHUM! NO attention is PAID! Bah, let's just win. MIAMI DEFENSE marched onto FIELD! BUFFALO OFFENSE marched onto FIELD! CENTER used SNAP! Good snap, excellent way to start.. ROB used PASS! SAM MADISON used INTERCEPT! Forces collided! ACK! GET HIM! BALL is INTERCEPTED! NO! YES! I thought the public address anouncer shut up until the end of a play... NARRATOR is NOT a PA! Narrator? OI! Think GAME BOY! Game boy? FLUTIE: My autistic child smashed one of those! Disappear, Flutie! You're just a backup! BOXOFFLUTIEFLAKES appeared! ... NARRATOR notes that SAM MADISON has run into the ENDZONE! DOLPHINS lead 7-0! Oh no... NARRATOR used FASTFORWARD! 2nd QUARTER appeared! HALF of 2ND QUARTER passed! MIAMI leads 33-0! Okay, troops...we may be blown out, but we can do this, yes. BILLS used HOHUM! HEADCOACH used PAT ON BACK! ROB is being PRAISED for NOTHING! That's usual, but yay ^_^ REST OF TEAM went on FIELD without ROB! REF used FLAG! REF: Delay of game, number 11, offense, 5 yard penalty on next half kickoff, Halftime! It's not halftime already, is it?! REF called HALFTIME! REFS are being paid TIME AND A HALF! REF: Yay ^_^ NARRATOR fastforwards through BORING HALFTIME SHOW! 3RD QUARTER appeared! DOLPHINS LEAD 66-0! Eh, now it's pretty much hopeless BILLS used AGREE! What, no Ho Hum? BILLS used HO- ..They never listen to me...I DEMAND A TRADE! HEADCOACH: Ye can't be traded in the middle of a game, Doofus HEADCOACH used PAT ON BACK again! Yay ^_^ maybe I can get some passing. CENTER used SNAP! ROB used PASS! It's super effective! Yay ^_^ ROB passed GAS as he was SACKED by ZACK "SACK" THOMAS! TOP RECEVER is short of BREATH! TR fainted! JESSIE, JAMES, MEOWTH: Huh? Wrong TR o_o. J, J, M: Oh. Bye. And..GO DOLPHINS! ... NARRATOR fastforwarded toward LAST PLAY! DOLPHINS lead 111-0! FLUTIE is FINALLY PUT IN AS QUARTERBACK! HEADCOACH used PAT ON BACK! Yay ^_^ FANS used BOO! Boo ;_; FANS chanted "FLUTIE, FLUTIE, FLUTIE!" *sniffle...* ROB runs to LOCKER ROOM CRYING! NARRATOR fastforwards to JANUARY 25! JAY FIEDLER used RAISE! FIEDLER raised VINCE LOMBARDY TROPHY! FIEDLER: Yay ^_^ DOLPHINS win! Battle 10: The Ruby Cats Are Coming, the Ruby Macaroni Are Coming! December 11, 2000 Player Skyler [Oi, do I have t'keep records?] Jeez, you finally star me in a battle again... NARRATOR notes that WEBMASTER has better things to DO than fiddle with YOU! Yeah, while I note that I AM the Webmaster, idiot. SHUT up o_O! Eh, dun do this right now, I'm just mad at the all AOL Ban on IRC... IRCops used BAN! IRC's popularity with AOL USERS greatly fell! Quite exactly... LARGE PORTAL appears...?! ACK! DON'T LET IT BE THE VOID, DUN LET IT BE THE VOID!! PORTAL belonged to RUBY VERSION! The one that Debbie Debs ish the webmistress of? YES! Kk.. KITTY followed by MACARONIARMY trotted out! KITTY: Imbicile Macaroni! We were supossed to dispose of Shadow Version, you're 23 sites off! Wind Version? Ugh... Ahem...did I hear something bad uttered about Wind Version? KITTY: And who might you be? I'm the self-insertion of the webmaster, Da Almighty Skyler-sama. KITTY: Inflated ego, ugh...we have to leave, Macaroni. LUIGI and PBS WORKER APPEAR! KITTY: Let me guess, more extremely stupid characters. ... LUIGI and PBSWORKER trot through OPENRUBYVERSION PORTAL! LUIGI and PBSWORKER close PORTAL behind them! Kitty, I'm afriad leaving will be quite impossible now. The Webmaster is too cheap to buy levers for THIS side, so we can't open the portal. And all inter-version communications are shut down here. There's no way out ^_^ KITTY: BAH! So what are we supossed to do? Oh, I don't characters went to Ruby, you came here...perhaps this is a ploy between our two webmasters to climb the rankings....and a happy webmaster is a friendly webmaster is a not deadly webmaster o_o. KITTY: I don't care what my webmistress thinks! I'm a meglomaniac! Uh huh. Then why did you obey her order to obliterate Shadow? KITTY:'t like Shadow Version, Yah! Yup...whatever you say.. KITTY: I mean it! I believe you. I MEAN IT! That's it! Come and fight me! FINALLY! BORING conversation used END! BORING CONVERSATION ended! KITTY wants to FIGHT! Fight ye macaroni, I'm too busy playing W:A. WORMS! The Official Game of #pokebattles! Download yours today from! KITTY: Ugh, I knew I wouldn't spend one battle in here with out an ad showing up o_o COMPUTER used CRASH! BAH! ...Dang, now I've got nothign else to do...might's'well fight. SKYLER wants to FIGHT! KITTY: Mwha..Go, Macaroni Omega Squad! KITTY sent out OMEGAMACARONI! Urrh...Go, Wind Blade. SKYLER sent out WINDBLADE! Uber-slash. WINDBLADE used UBER-SLASH! Hee ^^. Narrator, remember who is the self-insertion of the webmaster ^^. No effect at all! >_< I'm not a cat, you idiot! NARRATOR has..a small crush on*gulp* You? An omnipotent invisible creepy voice has a crush on a teenager from Texas? KITTY: Ugh...Ooh..I've got some nice dirt on you, Skyler. How? KITTY: Narrators are created by webmasters, and you are a self-insertion of the webmaster. >_< *FWaP* KITTY flies into the HORIZON! KITTY: BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! *splat* MACARONI stare at SKYLER in FEAR! MACARONI run away! SKYLER wins! Yay! ^_^ |