Welcome to Pokebattles Site #48, Wind Version | ||
Wind Version | Archives 1-5 | Archives 6-10 | Claimed Battles 1-5 |
UPDATES 12/11/00: Deb of Ruby Version has agreed to a Wind-Ruby Crossover, so here's the first battle of such. Bwha. 12/17/00: 2nd Battle of Ruby Crossover. Read |
The Main Battles.. Battle 11: You Talkin' to Me? You? Talkin' to Me? There's No Other Version Here, So You Must Be Talkin' to Me. December 17, 2000 Player: Skyler [10000-0-0 ^_^] This could turn out to be quite a predicament... KITTY is still rubbing her BUTT! KITTY: Y'didn't have to *FWaP* me THAT hard... But I wanted to ^_^ KITTY: Ugh.. I think I'm going to have to call Deb.. KITTY: But..You said that all inter-version communications were blocked. I did, didn't I? Well, it's simple. My webmaster and your webmistress paid the extra to set up the inter-version communication. just to talk with another version?!? That could be very valuble, Kitt'ns. KITTY gains an ANIME VEIN POP! KITTY: GRR...ONLY DEB CAN CALL ME KITT'NS! Okay. Now, shoo, Kitt'ns. KITTY: .....BAAH! If it weren't for those bloody salsem *mubmle mumble*... KITTY walks OFF! Hm... SKYLER turns on INTERVERSIONCOMMUNIACTIONTHINGY! LONGNAMEATTACK f- Say and die. AND DIE :P! ... COMMUNICATION THINGIE used ON! It's super effective! SKYLER used DIAL! CT: Oooh..that tickles, hee hee..stoppit! STOP! PLEASE HAHHAHHAH!! STOPPIT! O_o...Er...anyway... CT is RINGING! DEB used PICK UP! DEB: Hullo? Debs, it's Skyler, from Wind Version. I need to talk to you about that Kitty of ye's. DEB: Ugh, stupid narrator. I knew Kitt'ns would do something to SkySky -_- No, no, it's not that. No? Then what? Kitty's been rambling on about salsmen. I'm no psychiatrist, but I wanna know what's going on. Oh...well...it's just so sad..Shadow and Dark Versions are teaming up to ravage my version! Poor Debbie-debs is never going to get that top spot again... DEB used EXAGGERATION! DEB: SHH! Stupid Wind Narrator! Urrh..am I missing something? Eh...*SHOCK!* Oh..dear...god! Debs, I gotta go and help! Get that bloody narrator of your's to open up the portal! ;_;...*sniff*..Thanks, SkySky...It'll all be better...*sniff*...With time. SKYLER turned around to start PACKING for trip to RUBY VERSION! Hee hee...Poor sap ^_^ What was that? Oh...nothing Hn... Oh, and SkySky? Wazzap? Tell Kitt'ns that I miss her..and bring her and the macaroni with ye, please? Of course I will, Debs...I'll see you soon. PORTAL opens! SKYLER walks THROUGH it! SKYLER appears in RUBY VERSION! SKYLER steps through PORTAL! SKYLER appeared! MACARONI ARMY appeared! KITTY appeared! DEB: O_O KITTN'S!! KITTY: Baah... Never send me there again, or I shall kill you very slowly and painfully!! DEB: ... I love you, Kittn's. o_o; KITTY: Can it. DEB: Eh. Fine. NARRATOR reminds DEB if SKYLER's PURPOSE in RUBY VERSION... Ohhh, yeah. I'm sooo glad ye came, SkySkys... we gotsa hurt the Salesmen and stuff... and you brought my Macaroni to do it with. ^_^ Oh my god...this place is a mess! Where are those damnéd salsemen? DEB: Over there ^_^ SKYLER used UBER-KILL-WHILE-BEING-POed! DEB: Oooh... EXTREMELY MINISCULE PART OF SALESMAN ARMY went POOF! ANOTHER SMALL PERCENT when GAH! and DIED! A MUCH LARGER PERCENT began LAUGHING! ANOTHER SMALL PERCENT became DECAPITATED! O_O. That's it?!? Ugh... SALESMAN ARMY is MUCH LARGER than EXPECTED! And...? SKYLER killed ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SALESMEN! ACK! That means the army is... DEB: Over a billion people wide... Which means... We should...RUN! RUN! SKYLER and DEB run for the HILLS! THEY run into ERIC, MHE and IMMORTUS! Urrh...how'd we get into Red Version? DEB: I don't know... ALMIGHTY WEBMASTER appeared! AW used ALMIGHTY *FWaP* of DOOM! SKYLER and DEB flew back to RUBY VERSION! SALESMAN ARMIES still stand OVER THEM! ACK! ACK! ACK! We all gonna die! PBS WORKER ARMY appeared! Eh?!? I thought I only made one of those! DEB: Eh, SkySky? Hm? DEB: Did you know those things could spawn asexually? O_O PBS WORKER ARMY used TELETHON OF DOOM! SALESMAN ARMIES used UNISONIC HELLO SIR! FORCES COLLIDED! DEB: EEEP O_O Oh..dear..god..Urrh, it was nice knowing you, Debs DEB: Same with ye, SkySky... FORCES went BOOM! ARMIES were SCATTERED throughout RUBY VERSION! SKYLER and DEB landed at the HILLS! DEB: Ugh... Here comes another *FWaP*... AW used ALMIGHTY- SKYLER used END THE BATTLE NOW! Yessir... Bye, everyone! AW wins! JASON: Yay ^_^. |
Click here, go to red version, have a party, visit me rivals...just make sure you spent the minimal 5 weeks here first. |